Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Real World Check In

A day before the Real World Las Vegas gets a new cast member it is a good time to check in on the crew that continues to amaze, mostly in the "I can't believe that they would say or do that" way. So it took 6 episodes for self proclaimed bad boy Adam to get booted from the Hard Rock and join a legendary list that includes David from LA and Puck from San Fran. Unexplainably, those 6 episodes were all Adam needed to convince Nany that he was the guy she couldn't live without and he was also able to parlay those 6 hours of camera time into a spot in the new challenge season "Rivalries". All hasn't been for naught in the first 6 episodes as cast member Leroy has already bumped Ace, MJ, and "The Miz" down a spot on my list of all time favorite cast members. Also on the positive side a new cast member is a great way to shake up the inevitable "ho hum" nature of the middle of the season, new blood is always good in reality TV. Lets break these down one at time Dr. Jack Ramsey style.

When Adam got drunk at the Hark Rock's "Vanity" nightclub, broke a bottle and got into a scuffle with secruity he was given a warning by the staff that one more incident would result in being kicked out of the casino. Invariably the second incident was just as bad as the first as he had to be carried out of the club by his friends from home and in the process destroyed the suite. The second incident was no surprise to the rest of the house as Adam blantanly ignored the first warning and vowed to continue to "be himself" when out drinking at the club. The way Leroy honestly treated these incidents is what propelled him into my favorite cast member since Ace in Paris. Unlike the rest of the Real World cast that treated Adam like a toddler who didn't know what he was doing, Leroy treated his actions honestly and was the one person who wanted him kicked out of the house. Finally, a cast member that says what everyone watching is thinking and treats someone based on their words and actions (a novel concept by Real World standards). They shook hands on Adam's way out of the house and claimed nothing was personal in their realtionship.

As for the Hard Rock, I love what they did when they kicked Adam out, but why are they giving this crew free bottles in a VIP section. Who else in the real world is getting this kind of treatment, isn't the penthouse suite enough? Make this crew hit up a few other spots on the strip and some local bars and how can you say you lived in Vegas unless you take a couple trips to the El Cortez? Not being able to film at the pool, which is the Hard Rock's best feature, is also a major minus.

It will be interesting to see Adam and Leroy teamed together in the next "Challenge" installment "Rivalries". You have to hand it to MTV for listening to the public and teaming up rivals in two man teams for next season. Some interesting teams already leaked through the internet are Kenny/Wes, CT/Adam, Jenn/Mandy, Laurel/CaraMaria and the aforementioned Adam/Leroy pair. I mentioned in my previous Real World post about my belief that Leroy has "Alton like" challenge potential, but his status as a rookie and his refusal to put up with Adam's antics will be a challenge. If he can carry Adam to a couple victories in this format he will be well on his way to being a threat in every challenge.

I have to admit I laughed when Adam looked in the cameras and said once he told Nany about his troubled past that she would be all over him. When this prediction came through I immediately sent in my daughters 2028 BYU application as Nany staked her claim to "loving being in love" more than any other cast memeber ever. So this is her first experience away from her hometown and she breaks up with her long term boyfriend to find herself and then falls in love with her roommate in a matter of days (classic Real World). Their goodbye at the airport after Adam got himself kicked out off the show was a 10 on the unintentional comedy scale. Even Real World producers have a hard time making a two week hook up into Romeo/Juliet.

The promos for the cast member look promising and this is a great producers trick to inject new blood into the middle of the season. A pot stirring female cast member can only add drama to a show that was heading more towards "Friends" than past seasons of the "Real World". Just when I was thinking about jumping ship the new cast member has reeled me in for more.

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