The finale will begin with Noor and Jenn facing off against Ryan and Theresa in each team's first exile. The winner will be joining the 3 remaining teams in the final challenge.
The winning team will share 200K, second place will get 60K, and third place gets 40K
3 teams will go home with money, 1 will leave British Columbia empty handed.
Who will it be?
Let's find out.
10:03 T.J. explains the Weight for Me exile. Each team needs to climb the mountain while carrying 150 pounds of weight from the ox yokes.
10:04 The horn sounds and the final exile is under way. Theresa and Ryan are the first to finish the opening puzzle.
10:04 Theresa and Ryan have trouble figuring out how to divide the weight, and allow Jenn and Noor to catch up and eventually take the lead. Noor collapses within 10 yards of the starting line and allow Theresa and Ryan to retake the lead.
10:06 Upon arriving at the first puzzle Theresa displays her vast vocabulary by using the word "Thingamahopper." While Theresa and Ryan searched for adjectives, Jenn and Noor blow through the puzzle, drop 30 pounds from their buckets and headed toward the next checkpoint.
10:08 Both teams are dead tired and rest. They are in view of each other but neither has the energy to gain ground while their opponent rests.
10:12 Jenn and Noor reach the final check point first and drop all of their weight and head towards the finish.
10:13 Jenn and Noor win the exile and earn a spot in the finals.
10:13 Because the exile is a night and he isn't Corey Hart, T.J., sans sunglasses, proudly displays his "high" eyes.

10:15 Theresa makes the understatement of the Challenge by saying she made stupid mistakes.
10:17 The ever self-promoter Kenny declares himself the "King of Sting" and tells his competition to "Suck my ass"
There is only one King of Sting

10:22 The teams arrive to the final challenge.
10:22 T.J. after a wake and bake explains that the final challenge will be an endurance race to the top of the mountain. Along the way their will be 4 checkpoints. The first phase will be a canoeing venture across a lake.
10:24 The horn blows and the race begins. Obligatory commercial break.
10:27 Teams begin their canoe trip.
10:30 Landon and Carley finish the canoe stage first earning a 2 minute head start for the next stage. Kenny and Laurel finish second, followed by Pete and Jillian, and Noor and Jenn pull up the rear.
10:31 Helicopters swoop in and carry the teams off to the next phase of the challenge. Only MTV would employ helicopters. I'm half expecting Mitch Buchannon to hop out and perform a water rescue on the lake.

10:32 Phase 2 begins with a Sudoku puzzle which gives way to a mountain bike challenge.
10:33 Landon reveals that he is an elite mountain biker and competes competitively. However, a rope is tied in between the bikes, so he will only be able to go as fast as Carley permits.
10:34 Kenny and Laural are in second, Pete and Jillian third, Noor and Jenn fourth.
10:34 Upon mounting the bike, Jenn immediately falls off. Jill also falls off of her bike and says that she can't ride it. Her and Pete push it up the hill.
10:37 Carley can't continue on the bike, dismounts and grabs onto Landon's backpack while he drags her up a mountain.
10:38 Kenny diagnoses Laurel with a Chinese disease: Dragon Ass...get it... Laurel was draggin' ass.

10:39 Landon and Carley are the first to arrive at the second puzzle. Teams are expected to carry logs to basically form a Twister board. There is more wood than a group of middle school boys participating in their first coed Twister game.

10:40 For the third stage the teams need to carry an 80 pound bag up the mountain.
10:47 The fourth and final stage has the teams climbing up a snow covered mountain face. In order to make this challenge feel even more like Rocky IV, MTV cuts to a barn where we see Evelyn preparing for the next challenge by doing situps from a hay loft.

10:52 The drama is being built by MTV as they show Carley laying down on the mountain while Kenny furiously urges Laurel to catch up and erase the team's deficit.
10:53 Jenn one-ups Theresa and makes the understatement of the Challenge, "I can't think."
10:54 Landon actually puts his head in between Carley's butt cheeks and pushes her up the mountain. Pretty much if she farts we will see him tumbling down the hill.
10:55 Landon with Carley, the last female pick in the Fresh Meat Draft, finish first and win 200K. Landon cements his place as one of, if not the best player in Challenge history.
10:56 Kenny and Laurel finish second and earn 60K. Pete and Jillian earn 40K for their third place finish.
10:57 T.J. hands the teams giant novelty checks and immediately informs MTV that he only wants to be paid in giant checks.

11:07 Patrick Kane beats Michael Leighton in overtime to win the Stanley Cup. Jonathan Toews wins the Conn Smythe. Philadelphia fans stay classy and boo the champion Blackhawks. Richards, Hartnell, and Pronger still are scum. Congratulations Hossa.

Great season but I felt the finale was a little rushed. It should have been 2 hours. Landon has to go to the top of the all time challenge pyramid with this Fresh Meat II victory. He had to be +250 going into the last challenge. He took the last pick of the Fresh Meat, a girl who looked more likely to be dancing on a bar than winning a challenge while being in the wrong alliance and coaxed her into $200,000. I felt like I was watching Conn beat Duke in 99' I kept waiting for the Kenny/Laurel run, but it never came. Landon proved he was so much better than the other guys that he could carry the second worst girl in the finale (Jen being the worst) to the title. Well done sir, you have upped the ante and the rest of the guys will need another steroid cycle to try to catch up.