Nothing is better than walking into a Fantasy Football draft with an obscure NFL throwback. Whether it be a random team, player, or style, a jersey can instantly give you credibility when it comes to your football knowledge.
Sure everyone can find a Peyton Manning #18 Colts jersey at their local Champs, but not everyone has the creativity to find and don a Rodney Peete, husband of Hangin' with Mr. Cooper's Vanessa Russell, #8 Detroit Lions throwback.

The best individual player jerseys can be saved for a later post, today we will just focus on the look and design of my 10 favorite uniforms.
10. Oakland Raiders

As I said with the L.A. Kings, you simply can't go wrong with a black and silver theme. The Raiders' uniform is very simple and clean, no fancy designs or lines, its just the basic silver and black combo that has been associated with the team since its inception.
Also associated with the Raiders:
Black Hole
Road Warrior knock-offs
JaMarcus Russell
Howie Long's flattop
The Crypt Keeper

9. Denver Broncos

Anytime you can be associated with Orange Crush that is a plus. Truthfully, I'm more partial to the blue helmets, but the orange jerseys are pretty nice. Much better than the crap they wear now.
Plus it makes me think of being a kid at McDonald's and ordering the orange drink. Hell, I could go for some orange right now.

Who Loves Orange Soda?
8. Dallas Cowboys Thanksgiving

There's not too much not to like about these uniforms as a whole. The white helmets are great, the solid blue star is clutch and the jersey is just a great piece of threadmanship.
The Cowboys don't over use these uniforms, they are saved for Thanksgiving, so once a year we are treated to a day of turducken and these jerseys.
It's nice that the Cowboys are somewhat relevant again, it was a struggle having to spend a whole day with family, knowing you have to go through the same same question and answer process, same conversations, and same awkwardness a month later, and knowing that you had no choice but to watch two defunct teams, Cowboys and Lions, each year.
Atleast now the Boys are entertaining, have a ton of fantasy players on the squad, and break up the dullness of after dinner family talk.
7. Philadelphia Eagles

Can't really find the words to say anything nice about the Eagles, or Philadelphia in general, so we will leave it with a list of all the best things to come out of Philly.
National Treasure 1
Always Sunny

6. Atlanta Falcons

Look at Neon Deion's Jheri Curl. What kind of wet mark do you think it made on the wall?
Other classic Gheri Curls:

Chappelle's Prince

5. San Diego Chargers

This particular jersey is from a couple years ago before the Chargers made the Powder Blues their official home uniform. Just like the Cowboys' Thanksgiving jersey, it was nice to see the Bolts break out the powder's every once in a while and have Chris Berman salivate all over Tom Jackson's suit.
This older design is very similar to the current jersey, but it is "blockier" in the lettering, still has the numbers on the helmets, and is over all a better representation of the Powder Blue tradition of Lance Alworth's Chargers.
4. Detroit Lions Thanksgiving

Now that's a funny picture.
These uniforms, however, are not funny, they are awesome. The solid silver helmets, solid blue jerseys with silver numbers, just classy.
Too bad the team is worse than a straight to DVD Romantic Comedy starring Paul Walker, Mariah Carey, and Bam Margera.
3. St. Louis Rams

The Greatest Show on Turf is the third greatest jersey of all-time.
The yellow and blue go perfect together.
In fact, the blue is the actual color of Dick Vermeil's tears.
The ram horns are classic.
In honor of Brenda Warner here are some classic flat tops:

2. Tampa Bay Buccaneers

Initially when I was creating my rankings, I had the Bucs pegged at number 1, then I came across another team from yester year that snaked past Vinny's Bucs and took top honors. I have always liked these jerseys and was actually thrilled to see them brought back as a third-jersey last season.
Some people may think this uniform is a candidate for ugliest of all-time but this is my blog and my rankings and I say that it goes at number 2.
People who hate these jerseys obviously have never enjoyed the euphoria of biting into a Creamsicle or the joy of guzzling down a Stewart's Orange and Cream soda.

Two staples of childhood bliss.
The orange isn't as flashy as some people remember it as. It is actually quite subtle and goes nicely with the white and red outlines.
Throw in the suave, debonair, gentleman pirate and we have a winner.

The team may have sucked, but atleast they were losing in style.
1. Houston Oilers

As I mentioned before, I had the Bucs penciled into the top spot, until I came across these classic sky blue masterpieces.
For some reason, these just aesthetically please me. I don't know how they decided to go with the red piping to go with that blue, but it was just genius.
For me the socks put these uniforms over the top. Just clutch.
These Oiler uniforms represent the nostalgia surrounding the now extinct team, although the franchise rests in the hands of the Tennessee Titans.
They take me back to the days when the Steelers had to battle the Oilers in the AFC Central. Back to the days when the only worry in life was deciding what Starter jacket to buy. And like the taste of a Creamsicle on a warm summer evening, or the view from the passenger seat as your mom pulls up to a McDonald's drive-thru and hands you that heaping cup of Orange, all the best memories come from our childhoods, when times were simpler, gas was cheaper and jheri curls stained couches across America.
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